Southern Aroostook Warriors

Lights On Afterschool 

Southern Aroostook Community School

On Friday October 29th, the Southern Aroostook After School Program will hold a Trunk or Treat Event as part of Lights On Afterschool, a nationwide rally for afterschool programs that is expected to include thousands of events this year. People across the country join these events to draw attention to the many ways afterschool programs have stepped up to support students, families and communities in the pandemic.

SACS’s Lights On Afterschool event will be in the SACS parking lot by the baseball field at 6:00 p.m. ASP volunteers, community members, and students will have cars parked with trunks open where students can come and get candy and treats. They can wear their Halloween costumes! . SACS ASP currently serves approximately 100 youth in our community, providing them a safe place to go after the school day ends. When remote learning occurs, the program also provides virtual activities after the school day ends.

All community members are invited. For further information, please contact Shannon Mathers at For more information about Lights On Afterschool or about after school programs in general, visit

After School programs keep kids safe, inspire them to learn, and support working families. According to the Afterschool Alliance, 7.7 million children in the United States are without adult supervision in the afternoon hours.