Southern Aroostook

SACS Elementary Bulletin

                                                                                                           September 30, 2021

RSU 50 has an app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to real-time sports scores, the cafeteria menu, news from administrators,  student stories, health office updates and even emergency notifications. If you don’t have a smartphone, look for news feeds and notifications on our website:

RSU 50 mobile app launch video!

Search "Southern Aroostook" in Google Play or the Apple App Store to get the  free app. Download for Android: Download for  iPhone: 

Elementary Upcoming Events

September 29th - Disney Day (anything Disney) 

September 30th - Fall Fundraiser Ends

October 7th - K-8 Conferences 3:00-7:00 - Virtual 

October 8th - K-8 Conferences 8:00-11:00 - Virtual 

October 8th - Workshop Day - No school for students 

October 11th - Indigenous People Day - no school 

October 20th - Early Release Day - 11:15 Dismissal 

October 22nd - Pre-K - 12 Flu Shots 

October 25th - Picture Day 

October 29th - Rescheduled ASP field trip to KWW 

October 29th - ASP - Trunk or Treat - 6:00 pm

Notes from the Nurse

Just a reminder that the annual flu shot clinic is Friday, October 22nd.  Permission forms have already been sent home and need to be returned to the school health office no later than Thursday, October 21st.  Please have your child see Nurse Kathy if you need another form. 

Pool testing information has been posted on the school website.  We plan to launch this program on Tuesday, October 12th.  All parents should have received an email explaining the program. If you are interested in signing your child/ren up for this program, please use the link(s) provided in the email.  

Regarding Covid concerns, we want to reassure you that if your child is a close contact of a Covid-positive individual, you will receive a call from the school.  Should we have positive cases at our school, Mr. Porter will be posting a letter on the web site and sending a Blackboard Connect message to our school community.  

Note from the PE Teacher

PE classes have been going great!  The plan is to continue with outside PE as long as the weather permits.  Please send your child with extra footwear daily as morning grass is always wet, and also send a sweatshirt or light jacket depending on the daily temperature.  Outside PE has many benefits, including providing your child with an additional mask break and some sun and fresh air.