This week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Pictured here are some of our administrators. Todd Kuindersma, Technology coordinator; Cliff Urquhart, Athletic Director; Janet Vose, Special Services Coordinator, & Natasha Winslow, Business manger. Thank you for everything you do.
A group of MS/HS students enjoying our outdoor classroom. Such a beautiful day! ❤️
Elementary Guidance classes are celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month. Being outside has a calming affect on the body. It can reduce stress and anxiety and help prevent depression. Children who play outside are less likely to have mental health disorders in the future.
Notice to parents:
-May 12th - Early Release 11:15 dismissal
-May 13th - Dental varnish K-6
-May 10th - Spring NWEAs start
More pictures from Miss Kim’s class.
Miss Kim’s 2nd grade has been learning about penguins this week.
Our elementary students are fortunate to have these talented Ed. Techs. working in our school.
Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Softball team in their first game of the season today at home vs. Hodgdon. Game time is at 3:30pm.
Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Baseball team in their first game of the season today at Hodgdon. Game time is at 3:30pm.
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Baseball team in their game today at Van Buren High School. Game time is at 4:15pm.
Check out this tornado tower constructed by SACS 7th Graders. It held over 80 pounds!!
Yesterday, the After school program outdoor adventure class learned about protecting wetlands. They also learned about some edible plants that grow in our woods around us. The verdict? Dandelions taste like yuck but Trout Lily’s taste like a fresh picked string bean from the garden. It was stressed to them never eat anything from the forest unless your with an adult that knows.
The Local Girl ScoutTroop dropped off Girl Scout cookies for our Bus Drivers and Custodians in appreciation of their work here at RSU 50. Thank you!!
This week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Here are some pictures of the SACS Middle/High School Ed. Techs. We have an amazing group of professionals to work with our students. Thank you for everything you do!!
Today, the SACS students and staff honored Kathy Chamberland, our longtime school nurse, with some gifts and flowers on National School Nurse Appreciation Day!!! Kathy is a valued and trusted member of the RSU 50 staff. We are so lucky to have her. Thank you Kathy!!
We are planning to host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for eligible students the weeks of May 17th (first dose) and June 7th (second dose), here at SACS. If interested, please click on the link below for more information and to complete a form to register your eligible child(ren) for the clinic. This is extremely time-sensitive, so all forms need to be submitted by Monday, May 10th. Once available, permission forms will be provided to eligible, registered children. Thank you.
RSU 50 Vaccine Registration -
Mrs. Desmond's penguins cont...
Our second grade classrooms have been transformed into Antarctica and students are researching different species of penguins. Mrs. Desmond's students are pictured next to their favorite penguins.
Mr. Sherman was dressing to impress yesterday for theme day!
We applaud and appreciate our elementary staff! This hard working group of professionals teaches, motivates, inspires and cares for our students day in and day out! We are so fortunate to have them.