almost 5 years ago, Jen Siltz
Please check our website for information about Remote Learning Guidelines for students and parents. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. Have a great day!!
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Check out today's SACS Class of 2020 profile on our website!! SACS Senior Makaelyn Porter.
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Senior Makaelyn Porter
Check out today's SACS Class of 2020 profile on our website!! SACS Senior Levi Brown.
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Senior Levi Brown
Good Morning RSU 50! Breakfast and lunch is on the way. Here is a shout out to our ACAP partners who are helping us deliver food to our students!!
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Prek driver and rider
Let’s try this again! Sorry for the double post! Here is a message from the SACS Class of 2020. Hang in there guys ❤️
almost 5 years ago, Janet Vose
Some of the SACS senior class members put together this little video! Hang in there guys! ❤️
almost 5 years ago, Janet Vose
Check out today's SACS Class of 2020 profile on our website!! SACS Senior Alexis Hartin.
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Senior Alexis Hartin
Still food left to give away at the food pantry
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
10 pallets of food (including 900 dozen eggs!) being boxed up today at Southern Aroostook. This is for all members of the community! We will have two lanes this time! People are already lining up for this 1 o’clock start time!!
almost 5 years ago, Jess Greene
Cars already lined up
School staff volunteering to box up food
Pallets of apples and oranges
Mr. Porter and Mr. Sherman packing the eggs
Check out today's SACS Class of 2020 profile on our website!! SACS Senior Gavin Vining.
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Gavin Vining
SACS Food Pantry at 1:00pm today. Big shipment today! Bananas, Beets, Eggs, Bread, Apples, Canned Soup, Onions, Rutabaga, Oranges, Romaine Lettuce, Cabbage, Grapefruit, & Brownies, pies, cookies, etc
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Truck delivering food
There will be fresh produce at SACS tomorrow at 1 pm. All items will be pre-bagged and brought to your cars by school staff. PLEASE DRIVE AROUND THE SCHOOL AND MAKE A DRIVE THROUGH LANE BY THE BUS GARAGE. We will bring the food to you. Please do not get out of your cars.
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Here is SACS High School Math Teacher Paul Sherman getting ready to teach one his high school math classes remotely. There may be not be any students in the building, but teachers and staff are working from everywhere to make sure our kids are getting what they need. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
SACS Math Teacher Paul Sherman
Check out today's SACS Class of 2020 profile on our website!! SACS Senior Maia Crandall.
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Senior Maia Crandall
Thank you to the businesses and individuals who have donated paper lunch bags to assist us with serving food remotely to our students! Pictured here are paper bags donated by Oakfield Thriftway, Kim Dignan, & Evan and Chelsey Boutilier.
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Donated lunch bags
Donated lunch bags
Inspired by the overwhelming community support during this difficult time. We received these face masks from the Island Falls Area Face Mask Project for school staff who continue to work here to deliver food to kids. Thank you for your donation!
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Face masks donated by Island Falls Area Mask Project
Good Morning RSU 50!! Serving 398 students breakfast and lunch today. Here's a picture of one of the crews delivering meals this morning. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Jon Porter
Bus crew at SACS
Elementary students, starting today, some of your teachers will be riding the lunch busses. Please come out and wave. They are missing you and would love to see you! We understand that you miss your teachers too, but we need to follow the social distancing rules. For that reason, please do not enter the bus. Stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, April Bates
Although the spring sports season may be on hold some members of the SACS Varsity softball team found a way to “pass” the time and still be together while being apart. 🥎❤️⚾️
almost 5 years ago, Janet Vose