Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School basketball teams in their preseason scrimmages later today at Houlton High School. Game time is 5:00 p.m for the girls and 6:30pm for the boys.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Basketball teams in their home games this afternoon at Ashland. Game time is 3:30pm for the boys, with the girls game to follow ay 4:45pm. The game will not be broadcasted today.

Due to the weather, RSU 50, So. Arosotook Community School will be closed today.

We are gearing up for our annual Holiday Shopping event for the elementary school students. We will always accept gently used donations for the cause. If you're wondering what to donate, we always run low on gifts for men! We appreciate your continued support! Thank you 😊

Juggler and speaker, Jason Tardy joined us this morning to present to our PreK-8 students. His program titled, "Stand Up! Stand Out!" teaches students about how to make a positive difference and take action to stop bullying. Thank you, Jason for an entertaining and inspiring morning!

Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Basketball teams in their games this afternoon at Hodgdon. Game time is 4:30pm for the boys, with the girls game to follow ay 5:45pm.
You can watch the game on livestream at whou.ive https://www.whou.live/featured/videos/s-aroostook-at-hodgdon-boys-girls-ms-basketball-11-30-23

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School girls and boys basketball teams in their scrimmages this evening vs. Central High School. Game time is 5:00pm for the girls, with the boys game to follow at 6:30pm.
You can also catch the game on the SA livestream page at https://www.rsu50.org/page/live

Today the 4th graders did a book character parade through the elementary school, based on the book, "Balloons over Broadway", which tells the story of the master puppeteer who invented the first balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

The So. Aroostook High School Junior Class is running a fundraiser. They are selling raffle tickets for a cord of wood to be delivered to the lucky winner. See attached flyer for details.
A huge “Shout Out” to the Region Two Career and Technology Center Forestry Program at So. Aroostook High School, instructors Mark Thibodeau & Vernon Upton, and all their students for making the wood available, free of charge, to the junior class for a lucky family to win!!

Thanksgiving feast in kindergarten today

Congratulations to Madison Shields on her acceptance to Eastern Maine Community College. Madison was accepted into the Business Management program for Fall of 2024. Congratulations, Madison!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 So proud of you!

The elementary staff played turkey tag in order to crown this year's turkey! Mrs. Hawkins ended up being the last one tagged and became our crowned turkey for the day! What a great sport.

Congratulations to Southern Aroostook Middle/High School students Aolie Watt, Tessa Russell, Caroline Elhoff, Bailey Vose, Grace Anderson, Lyndsie Beaulieu, Lana Booker, Destin Joiner, Annie Harthorne, Ruth Greene, Tristen Hardy, Connor Lane, & Christopher Daniels on earning All-Aroostook Honors in Band.

The Class of 2026 is selling some So. Aroostook High School clothing and gear prior to Christmas. Here is the link to the SA Store: rsu50.org/gear
The store is open and for the next 11 days, everything is 15% off. . Please call the school with any questions.

Congratulations to Jordyn Bishop on her acceptance to Southern Maine Community College and Eastern Maine Community College. She was accepted into the business administration program at each institution. Congratulations, Jordyn!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well deserved!!

Congratulations to our 2010 Graduate Logan Desmond on his promotion at UMaine! Congratulations, Logan! We are SO proud of you!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💜💙🐻

So. Aroostook High School National Honor Society Monthly Newsletter

Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Basketball teams in their home games this afternoon vs. Presque Isle. Game time is 3:30pm for the boys, with the girls game to follow ay 4:45pm. You can also catch the game on the SA livestream page at https://www.rsu50.org/page/live

So. Aroostook Community School Food Pantry open today at 3:30pm. Please do not arrive prior to 2:45 because of buses. Thank you to the students and staff who are assisting with the food delivery today.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Basketball teams in their away games this afternoon @ Katahdin. Game time is 3:30pm for the girls, with the boys game to follow ay 4:45pm.