Mrs. White's class celebrated finishing ABC Boot Camp with a parade.

Pumpkin & Marshmallow Catapults in Mrs. Starrett’s 4th Grade!

Trunk or Treat is still happening at Southern Aroostook 6-7pm.

So. Aroostook High School Boys soccer game @ Schenck High School has been postponed and has been moved to next week. Time and date has not yet been determined. The postponement is a recommendation from the Maine Principals Association. (The MPA is trying to get all schools back on the same playoff schedule - Several southern schools have not played their preliminary/quarterfinal games as of today)
Also, the Varsity Football game Houlton @ Orono has been moved to next Tuesday at 6:00PM.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Basketball teams in their home games this afternoon vs. Hodgdon. Game time is 3:30pm for the girls, with the boys game to follow. Fans are allowed to attend and there will be concessions available. You can also catch the game on the SA livestream page at https://www.rsu50.org/page/live

The So. Aroostook High School boys soccer team won their quarterfinal game yesterday vs. Van Buren High School with a score of 4-0. Congratulations to the team and Coach Pelletier!!! It has been great to see the growth of this group as the season has gone on. The boys soccer program went 0-14 last season. Hard work is paying off!!
They will be playing in their semifinal game at Schenck High School on Friday 10/27. Game time is 3:00pm. Good luck!!!

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Boys soccer team in their Quarterfinal Soccer Game today @ Van Buren High School, game time is 5:00pm.

More pics from the 8th grade field trip today! What a wonderful, hands-on experience!

SACS 8th grade students attended a field trip today in Presque Isle. The girls attended Trades for Me, a hands-on experience in careers typically dominated by males. The girls could pick two of the following presentations; firefighting/EMT, waste water treatment, forestry, CNC machinist, EMS, heavy equipment operation, welding, auto collision, bridge building and police/public safety.
The 8th grade boys ate breakfast at UMPI and hung out in the campus center before heading to tour NMCC and eat in the dining hall (always a favorite!) They toured the nursing program, construction, auto body, electrical, wind power technology, and plumbing and heating. They also were able to see a college dorm room.
We received many compliments on how polite and respectful our students were while attending the tour. 💜 What a wonderful day of hands on learning! Thanks to Mrs.Williams and Mrs.Russell for chaperoning! More pics to follow!

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls soccer team in their Quarterfinal Soccer Game today @ Central Aroostook High School, game time is 4:00pm.

Seniors are learning fiscal responsibility at a Financial Fitness Fair at Loring Job Corp in Limestone today! Some comments from the seniors include; "Wow, it costs that much for loans?" and "Real life can be stressful!" 😂❤️ Such a great "real life" learning experience for our seniors! Thank you to Maine Credit Unions for sponsoring and putting on this event! (Thanks to Mrs.Hardy for chaperoning with me and for your senior math project, which aligns perfectly with today's Financial Fitness Fair!)

4th Graders celebrating with a “Because of Winn Dixie” party!

Mrs. Starrett’s class learning about Sound Waves in Science.

Mrs. Clark’s fourth graders with a flare of fall colors🍁🍁🍁

Mrs. White's kindergarten class painted pumpkins.

Mrs. White's kindergarten class painted pumpkins.

Mrs. White's kindergarten class painted pumpkins.

Miss Shelby's class celebrated finishing ABC Bootcamp with a parade today!

Congratulations to Jayden Landry for getting his deer on Saturday!

October is bullying prevention month and elementary Guidance classes have spent the month focusing on this topic. Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24th, we will be making a stand against bullying by wearing either blue or orange. Blue is the color of bullying prevention, and orange stands for uniting for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Please join us and wear blue or orange tomorrow!