More potato picking pictures

Good luck got the So. Aroostook High School boys and girls soccer teams in their games today vs Katahdin High School. Parking today for the game is limited to the school parking lot due to the rain. Thank you for your cooperation.

4th graders are picking potatoes at the Long Farm today!

Sacs Food Pantry open today at 3:30pm. Please don't arrive prior to 3:00pm because of buses. Thank you!

The Aroostook County High School Class C Golf Championship is scheduled tomorrow. VA-JO-WA Golf Course is hosting the event. Good luck to all the participants!

Today is an Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:15 am.

Our first theme day is tomorrow and the theme is School Spirit so wear your purple and white! 💜🤍💜🤍💜 #WarriorPride

Head over to Nurse Kathy's page to keep up on the latest news and happenings coming out of the RSU 50 Heath Office. Information about upcoming clinics along with additional information on Hand, Foot and Mouth were just added.

The So. Aroostook Middle School soccer games scheduled today with Katahdin have been postponed. No make-up date has been determined.

Elementary Bulletin

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls Soccer team is their games today, SA Girls @ Fort Fairfield High School. Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School girls & boys soccer teams in their games vs. Presque Isle. Game time is 3:30pm.
Also, Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School golf team in their match @ Mars Hill Country Club vs. Central Aroostook High School. match time is 3:30pm.

Mrs. Clark’s Fourth Graders buddied up and learned some interesting information about hurricanes. Then they made posters and presented them to the class.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Boys & Girls Soccer team is their home games today : SA Girls vs. Easton High School, 3:30pm SA Boys vs. Van Buren High School, 3:30pm The hill area near the playground and the large soccer field is closed for parking. Parking is available in the staff parking lot located at the top of the hill. Thank you!!
Also, Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School girls & boys soccer teams in their games at Hodgdon. Game time is 3:30pm.

The elementary fall fundraiser through Cherrydale started this week. Money raised helps pay for fun days like these for our students. Thank you for your support.

Mrs. York’s 5th grade ventures to the outdoor classroom to collect leaves for a chalk pastels art project.

Elementary Bulletin

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Boys & Girls Soccer team is their home games today : SA Girls vas. Hodgdon High School, 3:30pm SA Boys vs. Wisdom High School, 3:30pm The hill area near the playground and the large soccer field is closed for parking. Parking is available in the staff parking lot located at the top of the hill. Thank you!!

Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom
announcements in the RSU 50 app! With the addition of
Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/
guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and
access new features.

Change in lunch today:
Lunch for today will be Stuffed crust pizza 'cheese or pepperoni, toss salad & dressing, fruit and milk. We will have the turkey sandwiches Friday 9/15. Sorry for any inconvenience

Dot Day