Summer Academy starts tomorrow morning at 7:30. If your student lives on the bus route please have them ready and waiting a few minutes early. One bus travels the Dyer Brook RC Logging, then on to the Oakfield/Smyrna Road to Beal's Country Store. The other travels Sherman Street in Island Falls, on to the Municipal Building then Route 2. Designated pick up spots are RC Logging, Beal's Country Store and the IF Municipal Building. Thank you for being patient as it takes a couple days to make adjustments and nail down approximate times.
over 1 year ago, Jeni Siltz
Shawn-Paul and Anthony Jackson represented SACS at Camp POSTCARD last week! Camp POSTCARD stands for, Police Officers Striving To Create And Reinforce Dreams. Camp is held each June in Poland, Maine and staffed by volunteer law enforcement. Throughout the week, these 5th and 6th grade campers are exposed to a variety of activities and adventures including team-building activities, rock wall climbing, fishing and kayaking. A special thanks goes out to William Janakis for helping us with the nomination process and for looking out for our boys at camp. Also, thank you to Rick York for assisting with their transportation. Great job, Anthony and Shawn-Paul; you represented us well and we can't wait to hear all about it!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Williams
Mrs. York’s 5th graders showcased their state research projects.
over 1 year ago, April Bates
Students from SACS attended a Bridge Academy Pizza Party at Region Two on June 12th. Bridge Academy offers CTE (Career & Technical Education) Students the opportunity add take college level courses to their programming to produce a HS graduate that has up to 24 college credits and real-world credentials.
over 1 year ago, Jess Greene
Students attend Bridge Academy Pizza Party at Region Two in Houlton.
Goodbye High School, Hello Future! Senior students attended a Parent Night on June 12th for tips and cautions as they head off to college or into the workforce. Thanks to a generous MELMAC Education Foundation grant, SACS was able to purchase gift baskets (and ramen noodles 🤣). Students names were entered to win a drawing!
over 1 year ago, Jess Greene
Seniors win Laundry Basket give-a-ways!
RSU 50 and ACAP planted a tree today in dedication to our friend and colleague, Brenda Hersey! Thank you, Brenda, for all your years committed to the youth of this community!
over 1 year ago, April Bates
Congratulations to Connor Lilley as the recipient of the So. Aroostook Community School, Secretary of State 8th Grade Citizenship Award. The award is based on the following criteria: promotes civic engagement, scholastic achievement, and community service. This award seeks to inspire students to become active citizens and recognize exceptional young citizens among their peers. Congratulations Connor!!
over 1 year ago, Jon Porter
connor lilley
connor lilley
Here are the winners of the So. Aroostook High School Annual "End of Year Project Based Learning." TEAM SACS SASQUATCH From Left to right: Bethany Schmidt, Libby Anderson, Austin Cotier, Kason Lawlor, Dylan Burpee, Lincoln Hardy, Meriah Nason, Keomi Jones, & Serenity Campbell.
over 1 year ago, Jon Porter
Congratulations to So. Aroostook High School Senior softball players Callie Russell & Madison Russell on their selection to The Maine Association of Baseball and Softball Coaches Senior C/D All-Star Team. They will have the opportunity to play on Wednesday June 21 3:30 p.m. at St. Joseph's College in the C/D All Star Game.
over 1 year ago, Jon Porter
madison russell
callie russell
So. Aroostook Community School Food Pantry is open today at 12:30pm.
over 1 year ago, Jon Porter
Congratulations to the following So. Aroostook High School students for earning "Best in Class" for their respective programs at Region Two School of Applied Technology during the second half of the school year: Robert Robinson-Forest Management, Third Quarter Reubin Campbell-Forest Management, Fourth Quarter Nickolas Carr-Automotive Technology, Third Quarter Andrew "AJ" Lewis-Residential Electrical, Third Quarter
over 1 year ago, Jon Porter
Best in Class
Best in Class
Best in Class
Best in Class
Thank you to our awesome cafeteria staff for this amazing brunch on the last day of school.
over 1 year ago, April Bates
So. Aroostook High School students are engaging in the Annual End of Year Project Based Learning Project developed by the So. Aroostook High School teachers and staff. The last three days have included a great deal of learning, problem solving, and fun for our students. Thank you to the staff for creating this great learning experience for our students.
over 1 year ago, Jon Porter
PBL activities
PBL activities
PBL activities
PBL activities
PBL activities
PBL activities
PBL activities
So. Aroostook Community School and the Region Two School of Applied Technology Forest Management Program have had a great partnership here in Dyer Brook. We are fortunate to have such great instructors working with our students and staff. Thank you for another great year!! Pictured here are instructors Mark Thibodeau and Vernon Upton with So. Aroostook High School School counselor Jessica Greene.
over 1 year ago, Jon Porter
region two instructors
More Bar Harbor Fun
almost 2 years ago, April Bates
4th Grade at Field Day!
almost 2 years ago, April Bates
Just a reminder: The Regional School Unit 50 Budget Validation Referendum is today, Tuesday, June 13th. Article One: Do you favor approving the Regional School Unit No. 50 budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the latest Regional School Unit Budget Meeting? Voting times and locations: Residents of Crystal: Island Falls Municipal Building, 12:00-8:00pm Residents of Island Falls: Island Falls Municipal Building, 12:00-8:00pm Residents of Dyer Brook: Dyer Brook Town Office, 10:00am-6:00pm Residents of Hersey: Patten Firehouse, 10:00am-4:00pm Residents of Merrill: Smyrna/Merrill Town Office, 10:00am-6:00pm Residents of Smyrna: Smyrna/Merrill Town Office, 10:00am-6:00pm Residents of Oakfield: Oakfield Town Office, 8:00am-6:00pm
almost 2 years ago, Jon Porter
sa logo
4th Grade Bar Harbor Trip
almost 2 years ago, April Bates
5th grade Field Day Fun!
almost 2 years ago, April Bates
Kindergarten Field Day!
almost 2 years ago, April Bates