This past week, Mrs. Collier's Grade 11 English Class spent some time experimenting with make-up to create some pretty realistic hand injuries.

Congratulations to Madison Russell & Buddy Porter for being recognized as Aroostook League Scholar/Athletes last night in Caribou. Madison also received a $400.00 scholarship from the Aroostook League! Thank you to the Aroostook League Athletic Directors for hosting a great event and also to Guest Speaker Tracy Guerrette for your inspiring words for the student/athletes.

Congratulations to So. Aroostook Middle School student Kendal Lawlor on her selection as the Division III Americanism Essay Finalist for The Maine Elks Association. Kendal is invited to join the Maine Elks Association at their convention on May 6th to read her essay and receive her award.

5th graders tackling a STEM (science, technology, math, engineering) activity in the library. The challenge involved making tubes that could bear weight, using nothing more than paper and tape. The current record holder supported 36 books!

The So. Aroostook Food Pantry will be open today at 5:00pm.

More tubing pictures.

Dressed in green for St. Patrick's Day!

Good Luck to So. Aroostook High School students Rowan Billotti, Jordyn Bishop, Krisalyn Booker, Brennan Burpee, Leanna Caswell, Hunter Noyes and the other area high school students as they compete in the SkillsUSA Maine State Championships. SkillsUSA students are engaged in leadership and employability opportunities as an integral component of CTE instruction they receive at the Region Two School of Applied Technology in Houlton.

Just a reminder, today is an Early Release Day at RSU 50/So. Aroostook Community School. Student dismissal is at 11:15am.

The reception for the So. Aroostook High School Boys & Girls basketball teams scheduled for tonight has been postponed due to the predicted snow storm. It will be rescheduled for Tuesday March 21st at 5:30pm.

The So. Aroostook High School Girls and Boys State Champion Basketball Teams will be running a fundraiser for championship apparel for the teams. The fundraiser will be for two(2) Chris Stapleton Concert Tickets for July 6th at Maine Savings Amphitheater. The tickets are in the pit. We are selling raffle tickets for $10 each and you can purchase a ticket from any So. Aroostook High School team member or contact the So. Aroostook High School office. The drawing will be held on April 14th. The concert is sold out and this might be your last chance to get a ticket. Thank you to Ken Holck at KIXX 94.7 FM for donating the tickets for our kids!!!

More tubing!

Grades 3-5 are tubing at Big Rock.

Mrs. Brewers class did a science lesson today using Lobsters! 🦞 Educational and tasty!

Fifth Graders “axolotl” questions.

On Tuesday March 14th at 5:30pm, there will be a reception for the So. Aroostook High School Girls & Boys Basketball teams in the So. Aroostook High School multipurpose room/cafeteria. Individuals from the community are able to come congratulate the teams on their season . There will also be an opportunity to make a donation toward State Championship apparel for the teams.
So. Aroostook High School will also be selling State Championship apparel to the public. More details coming soon.

Great to see some of the So. Aroostook High School Seniors participating in the Bob White Aroostook League Senior All-Star Basketball Game last night. Thank you to the Aroostook County Athletic Directors for organizing this great event for "County " Kids.

It’s a jungle in Mrs. York’s class! Mrs. York’s fifth graders learned about the rainforest in reading, researched and wrote about a rainforest animal, and then created their animal with papier-mâché. Here are the final results!

Here are the Champs of the 2023 So. Aroostook Winter Carnival, the Class of 2023!! Congratulations!! Thank you to the High School teachers and staff for organizing and running all of the great events today for our students!!

Tonight So. Aroostook High School boys & girls basketball teams made history. On hand to watch the games tonight was the first So. Aroostook High School Boys Basketball coach in the programs history, Mr. Dick Soucy. He is pictured here with his wife Ruth. Great to see you coach!!!