So Aroostook middle school boys girls are playing East grand this afternoon. Great day for a game!!
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
middle school soccer game
So. Aroostook students participating in the after school program are enjoying a beautiful day for a bike ride.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
asp bike ride
Fourth graders will be learning the ukulele this year. Here is Mrs. Clark’s class trying them out for the first time!
over 3 years ago, April Bates
Mrs. Clark’s class has been studying frogs and toads.
over 3 years ago, April Bates
Look at these cuties wearing their dots in Pre-K!
over 3 years ago, April Bates
Dot Day in Miss Kim’s classroom.
over 3 years ago, April Bates
National Dot Day Pictures
over 3 years ago, April Bates
A reminder to RSU 50 parents/guardians that today is an early release day. Students dismissal is at 11:15am.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
Southern Aroostook Warriors
Elementary Upcoming Events September 13th - ASP started September 15th - National Dot Day - Wear polka dots. September 15th - Early Release Day - Students will be dismissed at 11:15 am. September 16th - Our yearly Fall Fund Raiser Starts and ends September 30th. September 17th - 4th grade field trip to the potato field October 7th and 8th - Goal Setting Conferences ( K-8) - Letters will be sent home soon. No school for K-8 students on the 8th. October 20th - Early Release Day - Students are dismissed at 11:15 am.
over 3 years ago, April Bates
Our classroom doors and hallways are looking very welcoming for the start of school.
over 3 years ago, April Bates
Our classroom doors and hallways are looking very welcoming for the start of school.
over 3 years ago, April Bates
Theme Days are back by popular demand for the 2021-2022 School Year! Wednesday is National Dot Day so wear anything with dots. More theme dates to follow!
over 3 years ago, Jess Greene
Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Girls and Boys soccer teams in their games today at 3:30pm. Games are at So. Aroostook.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
So. Aroostook Soccer
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School boys soccer team in their game today at Hodgdon High School. Game time is 4:30pm
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
Southern Aroostook Warriors Soccer
Good luck to the So.Aroostook Middle School girls soccer team in their game today at Presque Isle.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
captains meeting
Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle school boys soccer team on their game this morning @ Presque Isle ‘Middle School.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
sa boys
So. Aroostook Middle School Soccer teams played well at Katahdin today. Girls won 6-1 and the boys lost 2-1. Their next games will be this Saturday at Presque Isle Middle School.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
So. Aroostook Warriors
The Southern Aroostook Afterschool Program starts next week on Monday September 13th for students in grades 3-12. ASP runs from 2:30-4:30 each day. If you wish to enroll your child in the program, please contact ASP coordinator, Shannon Mathers here at school.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
September 2021 ASP Calendar
Mr. Urquhart's 8th Grade Physical Education class were out enjoying the great weather today, playing some disc golf.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
Disc golf
Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Girls & Boys Soccer teams in their games today at Katahdin Middle/High School. Games times are 4:30pm. Please note the game time, it was a change from the original schedule.
over 3 years ago, Jon Porter
So. Aroostook Warriors