2020 Yearbooks have arrived! You can stop by the HS office to pick yours up. If you didn't order, I have a few extra copies. $40 each
over 4 years ago, Lisa Boutilier
RSU 50 students & parents, please see the attached revised school calendar for the 2020-21 school year. The first student day will be Thursday Sept. 3rd and will be a Purple day. More details about the start of school are coming soon.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Revised School Calendar 20-21
Here is an example of the many things we are doing to help get ready for our students and staff. This plexiglass will be installed in classrooms.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Table dividers for social distancing
Good afternoon from RSU 50! There have been some questions about the schooling options for the return to school in the fall. Here is a quick guide to help you make the best choice for your family. https://5il.co/jb8m
over 4 years ago, Janet Vose
Guidance for RSU 50 families around mask use for the upcoming school year.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
SACS maks Guidance
Information about School Opening in the Fall can be found on our school website in the school news section.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Thank you to our ACAP partner for purchasing new surface for our playground. SACS Buildings and Grounds working today to put in. Looking great!!
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
SACS Playground
SACS Food Pantry will be open tomorrow, Thursday July 16th, starting at 1:00pm near the garage.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
The Maine Department of Education continues to work with education stakeholders and health experts to provide a framework for safely returning to classroom instruction. They are looking for feedback from families. Please visit their website to take a brief survey. https://www.maine.gov/doe/fall2020survey
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
The Aroostook Aspirations Initiative just announced the 2020 Gauvin Scholars! Congratulations to So. Aroostook High School Senior Gavin Vining! Gavin was one of the nine students selected from across Aroostook County to receive this award and scholarship. Well Done Gavin!! You can find more information about the Aroostook Aspiration Program on their website: aroostookaspirations.org
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
SACS Senior Gavin Vining and Superintendent Jon Porter
The 2020 Mitchell Scholar from Southern Aroostook Community School is Hannah Landry! Hannah will receive a $10,000 scholarship that will be distributed in equal installments of $2,500 for each academic year at either a two-year or four-year degree program. Congratulations Hannah!
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Hannah Landry and Superintendent Jon Porter
Let's try that again. SACS Food Pantry open today at 2:00pm.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Sacs Food Pantry open Atlantic 2:00pm today.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Sacs Food Pantry
RSU 50 Elementary School Parents & Guardians, we are looking for feedback about your child's remote learning experience this Spring in order to help us improve. Please take a moment to complete this short survey. Thank you! https://forms.gle/etyNGXhYrjD9VvFS8
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Southern Aroostook Warriors Logo
RSU 50 Middle/High School Parents & Guardians, we are looking for feedback about your child's remote learning experience this Spring in order to help us improve. Please take a moment to complete this short survey. Thank you! https://forms.gle/bLiKUX3RJpZKiFUo8
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Southern Aroostook Warriors Logo
Our Summer Academy is up and running! We miss the kids, but we're making it work! Here is our schedule/calendar information. https://5il.co/h8tf
over 4 years ago, Jen Siltz
SACS Food Pantry will be open on Thursday June 18th at 2:00pm.
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
RSU 50
Southern Aroostook Community High School Seniors received scholarship awards of over $75,000 at their very memorable graduation ceremony held on Friday, June 12th. Thank you to the many businesses and individuals who made this possible!
over 4 years ago, Jon Porter
Congratulations to all those who received awards in grades 6 and 7! Here is the link to the YouTube slide show. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/cXXfizXaQ14
over 4 years ago, Janet Vose
Here is the updated slide show from the SACS photography class. Great work everyone! Enjoy. https://youtu.be/D-4PM-cpsgQ
over 4 years ago, Janet Vose