Kindergartners are making Bobos to help their singing voices in music class.
“Career Day”
Mrs. Clark’s fourth graders show their choice for their career. Thank you Mrs. Williams for doing this program with the elementary.
So. Aroostook Community School Food Pantry will be open today, April 11th at 3:30pm. Boxed and/or dry goods only. Please do not arrive before 2:45pm tomorrow due to bus traffic.
Thank you again to all of the student, staff, and community volunteers who help make this possible for our community. Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday's work in preparation for today's opening.
We have an art teacher, artist, nurse, and artist in Pre-k today!
Our students had a great time visiting the forestry department during career day!
Happy Career Day! K-5 students are enjoying a morning dressed as an employee of their "dream job" while they hear from some professionals in their fields. We have a Vet. Tech., Physician Assistant, Maine Game Warden, Custodian and Foresters on site with us!
So. Aroostook Community School Food Pantry will be open tomorrow, April 10th at 3:30pm. Boxed and/or dry goods only. Please do not arrive before 2:45pm tomorrow due to bus traffic. Thank you.
Mrs. Clark’s “Superstar” readers and writers.
More Read Across Aroostook pictures.
The whole elementary school spent time reading together today to celebrate Read Across Aroostook!
A reminder to So. Aroostook Community School students, guardians, and staff:
Tomorrow, Monday April 8th, will be 1/2 day due to the Eclipse. Tomorrow is a White day. Student & staff dismissal will be at 11:15am and the building will be closed at 12:00pm.
High School students who attend Region Two on a White day will not have school tomorrow, Region Two is closed.
Mr. McGary's Photography Class had fun with Water Drop Photography today. Here are some images that the students photographed today. Picture credits to Jamie Derosier, Krisalyn Booker, Coda Goodwin, Ryder Curry & Christopher Daniels. Really Nice!!
RSU 50/So. Aroostook Community School will have a two hour delay this morning, Friday April 5, 2024. .
Also, the field trip scheduled for Grade 6-9 students has been postponed.
Thank you to Machias Savings Bank for sharing these safe viewing tips with us.
Due to the weather, RSU 50/So. Aroostook Community School will be having an early release day with students and staff being dismissed at 11:15am. Pk students will be riding home on the regular school bus today. All afternoon activities have been canceled for today.
Over the past week we have had several cases of conjunctivitis ("pink-eye") here at SACS, with the majority of them being in the elementary school. Because "pink-eye" is highly contagious, school Communicable Disease policy and school procedure have always been to send students home if it is even suspected in a student.
Common symptoms of conjunctivitis include a pink/red color to the white part of the eye, crusting and drainage, itching and burning. Conjunctivitis usually begins in one eye and can spread rapidly to the other.
One important aspect of treatment is preventing transmission. Proper handwashing and completing the course of treatment are the best ways to prevent the spread of conjunctivitis.
Should your child begin to have pink/red irritated eyes, crusting or drainage, and complain of itching or burning, please keep your child home from school and consult your medical provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment protocol is still 48 hours on treatment before returning to school to reduce the incidence and spread of conjunctivitis. Please feel free to call should you have any questions. Thank you.
Kathy Chamberland, R.N., B.S.N., PK-12 School Nurse
Themes for Read Across Aroostook Week. April 8th - 12th.
Elementary Bulletin
Last week, students in the So. Aroostook After-School Program took a trip to Spring Break in Smyrna to learn about Maple Syrup & Honey Production Students learned how sap is collected in a large-scale operation, what kinds of products are made of the sap, about the ratio of water to sap in making syrup, and how to recycle the water that is evaporated from the sap. They also learned about products that may suggest it contains real maple syrup and what kinds of products that actually do contain maple syrup. They were given some samples of maple cream, maple cotton candy, and maple sugar candy to try.
Students also learned about the process of making honey. The location we went to visit is a maple syrup and honey facility. They have 6 containers of bees off site and sometimes the colony gets big enough to split into 12 containers. The students learned about the different types of bees, the importance of bees, how to keep bees safe, how the bees turn pollen into honey, what the combs look like, the life cycle of a bee and what the queen bees job is.
Thank you to Kevin & Kristi Brannen and Spring Break Maple Farms for providing this educational tour of your business to our students!! Picture credit to Shelby Cummings.
Miss Lacy's 5th graders with their rain forest paper mache animals.