Miss Lacy's 5th graders with their rain forest paper mache animals.
10 months ago, April Bates
Elementary students enjoyed a presentation about the upcoming eclipse today provided by representatives from Machias Savings Bank.
10 months ago, April Bates
Students practiced counting by finding Easter eggs and counting them today in Miss Shelby’s kindergarten.
10 months ago, April Bates
Tuesday, April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. Please join us by wearing blue as we show our support and appreciation for this valued population.
10 months ago, Sarah Williams
The So. Aroostook High School State Championship Apparel Store closes at midnight tonight! Last chance to purchase!! Proceeds from the sales go to the team. Here is the link to the store: https://southernaroostookgirlsbasketballchamps24.itemorder.com/shop/home/
10 months ago, Jon Porter
sa store
March 2024 So. Aroostook High School National Honor Society Newsletter
10 months ago, Jon Porter
NHS newsletter
So. Aroostook Food Pantry open today at 3:30pm. Please do not arrive before 3:00pm.
10 months ago, Jon Porter
vegetables-food pantry
vegetables-food pantry
vegetables-food pantry
vegetables-food pantry
vegetables-food pantry
vegetables-food pantry
vegetables-food pantry
vegetables-food pantry
Congratulations to the newest members of the So. Aroostook High School National Honor Society! We inducted eight new members last evening based on their outstanding scholarship, leadership, service and character. Congrats to Hope Curry, Annie Harthorne, Destin Joiner, Daniel Kuindersma, Isabella Martinez, Hannah McGary, Ally Shields, and Ashlyn York. Pictured here are all of the the current & new members of the National Honor Society. Picture credit to Janet Vose. Also, a big THANK YOU to NHS Advisors Brittany Brewer & Kristen Fitzherbert for all of your great work with our students!!!
10 months ago, Jon Porter
NHS induction
So. Aroostook Community School Food Pantry will be open tomorrow, Thursday March 28th at 3:30pm.
10 months ago, Jon Porter
sa logo
The So. Aroostook High School State Championship Apparel store closes tomorrow. Last chance to purchase!! Proceeds from the sales go to the team. Here is the link to the store: https://southernaroostookgirlsbasketballchamps24.itemorder.com/shop/home/
10 months ago, Jon Porter
school store
Kindergarten had a lot of fun today. They first went to the planetarium in Orono and then had an egg hunt.
10 months ago, April Bates
March is the time to celebrate music in our schools! Students in grades K-12 have been participating in March Madness, presented by The President's Own Marine Band, students have been playing Ukulele, Recorder, and Bucket Drumming! Band students have been gearing up for their spring concert, learning to tell a story through their playing! Staff joined in by sharing their favorite music, and what music means to them!
10 months ago, April Bates
Due to the weather, RSU 50 will be closed on Thursday, March 21, 2024. All school activities are canceled.
11 months ago, Jon Porter
sa logo
Mrs. Desmond’s second graders  have been learning about penguins and they enjoyed a special guest today! Fourth grader Hadley Hatch came in costume to share his informational report on Emperor Penguins.
11 months ago, April Bates
Congratulations to Cami Shields & Dylan Burpee for being recognized as Aroostook League Scholar/Athlete Award recipients by the Aroostook League. Their selection is based on their outstanding scholarship in the classroom and their leadership in athletics.
11 months ago, Jon Porter
dylan & cami
Due to expected weather conditions tomorrow, Good Shepherd Food Bank will not be delivering tomorrow as scheduled. The So. Aroostook School Food Pantry will not be open tomorrow, Thursday March 21. We apologize for this inconvenience. The delivery for the SACS Food Pantry will be rescheduled and open on Thursday, March 28.
11 months ago, Jon Porter
sa logo
Here are three aspiring health professionals from So. Aroostook High School who are attending the Regional Two School of Applied Technology in Houlton. They have been recognized as "Best in Class" for their respective programs. Congratulations!!! Rowan Billotti, Best in Intro to Medical Professions, Quarter One Morgan Tarr, Best in Health Science Class, Quarter One Amber McMannus, Best in Health Science Class, Quarter Two
11 months ago, Jon Porter
Best in Class
Best in Class
Best in Class
Katahdin Trust Company treated the So. Aroostook High School Girls Basketball Team to a pizza party and some Katahdin Trust Company swag today. On behalf of the team, managers, and the coaches, thank you!!!
11 months ago, Jon Porter
girls basketball team
National Honor Society(NHS) members from So. Aroostook High School attended the NHS State Convention today in Orono. Bailey Vose is pictured accepting a service project award on behalf of our NHS chapter for their work with the monthly food pantry. Today, our students also worked on the State wide project called Maine Needs. Congratulations to all our NHS members and their advisors on your great work throughout the year!!
11 months ago, Jon Porter
NHS convention
state convention
nhs convention
nhs convention
Order So. Aroostook High School Girls Basketball State Championship Apparel here: https://southernaroostookgirlsbasketballchamps24.itemorder.com/shop/home/
11 months ago, Jon Porter
championship flyer