So. Aroostook Community School students have been taking part in the "Ski for Life" program at Big Rock in Mars Hill. Thank you to the After-school program staff and Big Rock Mountain for providing this great program to our students.
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
ski for life
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls basketball team in their home game tonight vs. Hodgdon High School, Game starts at 6:30pm The future of So. Aroostook Girls Basketball will also be playing tonight when the Island Falls and Oakfield girls teams will be playing a preliminary game starting at 5:00pm. You can watch the games on the RSU 50 live feed at:
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa girls
Announcement: The elementary sliding party is rescheduled for January 31st from 4:30-6:00!
about 1 year ago, April Bates
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls & Boys basketball teams in their home games tonight . So. Aroostook High School Varsity Girls vs. Easton High School, Game starts at 4:30pm So. Aroostook High School Varsity Boys vs. Ashland High School. Game time is 6:00pm You can watch both game on the RSU 50 live feed at:
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa girls team.
SA boys team
Congratulations to Hannah McGary and Daniel Kuindersma for being selected as the Hugh O'Brian Leadership (HOBY) recipients! Congrats to Ally Shields for being named an alternate recipient! They will have the opportunity to attend a State leadership seminar in the spring where they will explore personal leadership skills and collaborate with diverse groups. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Congratulations! 💜
about 1 year ago, Jess Greene
Shields, Kuindersma and McGary selected as HOBY recipients
5th graders "escaped" from school and went to the Stewart Professional Learning Center in Lincoln on Friday, January 19th. They were masters at the Maine themed Jeopardy game and conquered the "Unlucky Catch" escape room.
about 1 year ago, Janet Vose
escape room
escape room
escape room
escape room
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Boys basketball teams in their games tonight @ Hodgdon High School. JV game starts at 5:30pm with the link to watch here: Varsity game starts around 7:00pm with the link to watch here:
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa boys
Here is a link to some pictures taken by Janet Vose at the Aroostook County Instrumental Concert held this past Monday. Thank you for sharing!!
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
all-aroostook band
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls basketball teams in their games today at home vs. Stearns High School. Game times are 5:00pm for the JV game & 6:30pm for the Varsity game. Both games will be streamed on
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa girls
So. Aroostook Food Pantry is open today at 3:30pm. Please do not arrive prior to 2:45pm. Thank you
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
food pantry
food pantry
food pantry
food pantry
food pantry
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls & Boys basketball teams in their games today. So. Aroostook High School Boys Basketball at home vs. Fort Fairfield High School. Game times are 5:00pm for the JV game & 6:30pm for the Varsity game. Both games will be streamed on So. Aroostook High School Varsity Girls Basketball game @ Fort Fairfield High School. Game time is at 5:30 pm. You can catch the game on
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa boys
sa girls
Join us for some winter fun! Hosted by the After School Program and the 5th graders 😊
about 1 year ago, Jeni Siltz
sliding party
Tonight's So. Aroostook High School girls basketball game with Fort Fairfield High School is postponed. The game will be played tomorrow night at Fort Fairfield. Game time is 5:30pm.
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa girls
Please click on the following link if you have a child eligible next fall for the Pre-K 4 year old program.
about 1 year ago, April Bates
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls basketball teams in their home games today. Game times are 11:00am and 12:30pm. Monday, January 15th, Caribou JV vs So Aroostook JV - 11:00AM WashburnHigh School vs So Aroostook - 12:30pm. The game will not be streamed on our website today.
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa girls
6th Graders from So. Aroostook Middle School made the trip to Portland, Maine on Thursday to visit the Gulf of Maine Research institute(GMRI) and engage in Project Labventure. Thank you to GMRI and our 6th grade teachers for this great learning experience for our 6th grade students. Each year, GMRI hosts nearly 10,000 Maine middle schoolers in its LabVenture program a hands-on, interactive, authentic investigation of the changing Gulf of Maine ecosystem. Completely free for Maine schools, nearly 70% of the state of Maine's fifth and sixth grade cohort experience LabVenture annually. At the lab, students use authentic tools of science and methods of inquiry to explore many of the same questions about the Gulf of Maine that research scientists at GMRI are addressing.
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
6th grade labventure
The All-Aroostook Instrumental Concert scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed. The concert will now be held on Monday January 15, 2024 at Ashland Community School at 2:00pm. Best of luck to all of the performers. Congratulations to the So. Aroostook Middle/High School students who earned All-Aroostook Honers. The All-Aroostook Middle School Band starts off the concert with “March of the Irish Guard”, followed by “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, “Ancient Voices” and “By Dawn’s Early Light”. The High School Band will perform “Glory and Triumph,” followed by “Simple Gifts Four Shaker Songs”, “Epinicion” and “The New Colonial March”.
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
all-aroostook band
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls and Boys basketball teams in their games tonight @ Fort Kent High School. Varsity Girls game starts at 6:15pm with the Varsity boys game to follow around 7:30pm. You can catch the game on NFHS network.
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
SA logo
REMINDER: there is a Scholarship Program meeting tonight - Thursday, Jan. 11th at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. At this meeting, we will hand out the sales sheets in preparation for Super Bowl Subs and create listings for our work day on Saturday, Feb. 10 and delivery routes for Sunday, Feb. 11th!!
about 1 year ago, SA Announcements
Due to the weather there will be no school today, Wednesday January 10, 2024, for RSU 50.
about 1 year ago, Jon Porter
sa logo