Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School boys basketball teams in their games this evening @ Fort Fairfield High School. Game times 5:30pm, JV Boys with the Varsity Boys game to follow at 7:00pm.
You can catch the game on whou.live at https://www.whou.live/featured/videos/sachs-at-fort-fairfield-jvb-vb-basketball-1-9-24

Wednesday night's So. Aroostook High School Girls basketball home games have been postponed. They will be made up on Monday, January 15th. Game times are 11:00am and 12:30pm.
Monday, January 15th
Caribou JV vs So Aroostook JV - 11:00AM
Washburn vs So Aroostook - 12:30pm

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls Basketball Team in their games this evening @ Calais High School. JV Game starts at 4:30 and the Varsity Game is approximately at 6:00pm.
You can watch the game on https://www.facebook.com/calaisschooldepartment

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Girls Basketball Team in their game this evening @ Hodgdon High School. Game time is 6:30pm.
You can watch the game on WHOU.live
The link is https://www.whou.live/featured/videos/sachs-at-hodgdon-vg-basketball-1-5-24

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School boys basketball teams in their home games this evening vs. Calais High School. Game times are 4:30pm for the JV game with the Varsity game to follow at 6:000pm.
You can watch both games on the SA Live stream page at: https://www.rsu50.org/page/live
The Varsity Game is also being shown on WHOU at: https://www.whou.live/featured/videos/calais-at-sachs-vb-basketball-1-3-24

Happy New Year! All of the Southern Aroostook High School teams are back in action tonight. Good luck to all of the teams!
The So. Aroostook High School boys basketball teams will be traveling to Stearns High School Game time for the JV game is 5:00pm, with the Varsity game to follow at 6:30pm. You can catch the Varsity game with a paid subscription to NFHS network.
The So. Aroostook High School girls basketball teams will be playing in Dyer Brook tonight.. The JV Girls Basketball team will play the Houlton High School girls JV team @ 5:00pm. The Varsity game will follow vs. Fort Fairfield High School @ 6:30pm
WHOU will be broadcasting the varsity game. You can catch the game on whou.live.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School girls & boys basketball teams in their away games this afternoon @ Wisdom High School. Game times are 2:00pm for the the girls with the boys game to follow at 3:30pm. You can watch the games on whou.live.

Game time Correction:
Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School girls basketball teams in their away games this evening @ Katahdin High School. Game times are 4:30pm for the the JV Girls with the Varsity Girls game to follow at 6:00pm.

Mrs. York’s fifth grade class collected donations for Shepherds Beyond Borders rescue located in Enfield, Maine. In addition to the items pictured, they also collected $100 for the rescue. Thank you to all that donated.

Brennan Burpee is the lucky winner of the So. Aroostook High School Class of 2024 raffle for two tickets to the Lainey Wilson Concert at the Maine Savings Amphitheater in Bangor on June 29, 2023!! Brennan also received a $100.00 gift certificate for Longhorn Steakhouse. Thank you again to KIXX FM 94.7 for donating the tickets to the Class of 2024.

Our wonderful kitchen staff made a special treat for the students this morning!

The Fourth Graders have been having fun practicing a Christmas Play called “The Gift”. They were broken into 3 groups as you can see in the pictures. Each group had to choose a gift to put in the box. (Stinky socks, a pacifier, and a Christmas weasel). We had fun watching how each group act this play out.

Fabric Christmas Trees, a Culture Quilt and Wooden Snowmen in Mrs. Starretts 4th grade.

So. Aroostook Community School Food Pantry is open today at 3:30pm. Please do not arrive prior to 3:00pm. Thank you.
Attached is the So. Aroostook National Honor Society Newsletter that has great news about the Food Pantry. So. Aroostook Community School has been selected to receive funding through Good Shepherd Food Bank’s Youth and Families Initiatives Capacity Building Grant Program! Grant Amount Award: $6000. Thank you to everyone involved who supports the So. Aroostook Food Bank and for securing this grant!

Cookie Decorating Fun

Mrs. Brewer's students made and delivered some sweet treats for residents of Pine Grove Terrace in Oakfield and Woodland Heights in Island Falls today.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School girls basketball teams in their home games this evening vs. Calais High School. Game times are 5:00pm for the the JV Girls with the Varsity Girls game to follow at 6:30pm.
You can catch the game on https://www.rsu50.org/page/live

We "caught" some of our oldest students helping some of our youngest students with gift wrapping yesterday. Every year, Elementary students shop for their family members at our Holiday Shopping event.

Congratulations to So. Aroostook High School Senior Dylan Burpee on scoring his 1,000 career point last night in a 54-47 win vs. Hodgdon High School. Dylan is pictured here with So. Aroostook High School Coach Brett Russell. Photo credits to Joe Cyr.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School boys basketball teams in their games this evening vs. Hodgdon High School. Game times 5:30pm, JV Boys with the Varsity Boys game to follow at 7:00pm. You can catch the game on https://www.rsu50.org/page/live