Mrs. Starrett's 4th Graders began a Gummy Bear experiment today. They are observing how the gummy bears change in liquids of water, vinegar, baking soda & salt. They will be scientists and make predictions & observations about the bears!

Cooking homemade bread in Miss Shelby's classroom today!

We would like to thank and congratulate these two seniors! They have been teacher aides in the kindergarten for the last two years! Thank you, Madison Given and Leigha Hartin. Best of luck in your futures.

Mrs. Starrett's 4th Graders are working on map skills and identifying rivers, landmarks, towns & mountain ranges in our State.

In Science Mrs. Starrett's Classroom learned about sound waves & vibration. They made paper cup telephones & experimented to see how far sound would travel.

Mrs. Starrett's 4th Graders worked on poetry under the shady tree. They found ordinary objects and then looked at them with a poet's eye describing them as something now extraordinary!

So. Aroostook High School will be hosting a quarterfinal playoff softball game on Wednesday June 7th. # 3 So. Aroostook High School vs # 6 Ashland High School. Game time is 3:30pm

K-5 Capture the Flag game!

This is a true sign that Beach Day was a hit!

Good luck to the So. Aroostook Middle School Baseball & Softball teams in their games today @. Central Aroostook. Game times are 2:30pm.

SA Project Highlight
One of our SA Sophomores, Ryder Russell had a culinary final where he had to design, present, and cater a special event. He got raving reviews from his customers and totally nailed his final! Great Job Ryder!

So. Aroostook High School will be playing in a preliminary playoff baseball game on Tuesday June 6th - # 12 So. Aroostook High School @ # 5 Madawaska High School, game time-3:00pm.

Beach Day Fun!

We still have openings for Summer Academy. If you are interested in your child/children attending, please contact Diana Betschner at 757-8206. Applications will be accepted until spots are full.

Good luck to the So. Aroostook High School Baseball & Softball teams in their final regular season games today at home vs. Hodgdon High School. Game times are 3:00pm.

The So. Aroostook Middle/High School Band performing at the Oakfield Memorial Day Parade on Monday!!
Picture credit: Janet Vose

Today, So. Aroostook Community School 6th graders visited the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Each year, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute hosts nearly 10,000 Maine middle schoolers in its LabVenture program — a hands-on, interactive, authentic investigation of the changing Gulf of Maine ecosystem. Completely free for Maine schools, nearly 70% of the state of Maine's fifth and sixth grade cohort experience LabVenture annually. At the lab, students use authentic tools of science and methods of inquiry to explore many of the same questions about the Gulf of Maine that research scientists at GMRI are addressing.

Second graders enjoyed a day of learning and fun at Desmond’s Diner!

Attention Pre-K & K Parents
Due to the predicted forecast Beach Day for Pre-K & K is being moved to Thursday June 1st.
Students will need the following:
Bathing suit
Bug spray
Change of clothing
The predicted forecast is a lot of sun and heat. If you student requires a hat or extra coverage from the sun please provide those materials from home.

The So. Aroostook Middle/High School Band will be playing this Memorial Day Weekend. On Monday, the band will be playing in the Oakfield Memorial DayParade at 10:00am. The band will also be playing in Island Falls on Monday at 1:00pm at the Island Falls Cemetery.