Here are three aspiring health professionals from So. Aroostook High School who are attending the Regional Two School of Applied Technology in Houlton. They have been recognized as "Best in Class" for their respective programs. Congratulations!!!
Rowan Billotti, Best in Intro to Medical Professions, Quarter One
Morgan Tarr, Best in Health Science Class, Quarter One
Amber McMannus, Best in Health Science Class, Quarter Two
Katahdin Trust Company treated the So. Aroostook High School Girls Basketball Team to a pizza party and some Katahdin Trust Company swag today. On behalf of the team, managers, and the coaches, thank you!!!
National Honor Society(NHS) members from So. Aroostook High School attended the NHS State Convention today in Orono. Bailey Vose is pictured accepting a service project award on behalf of our NHS chapter for their work with the monthly food pantry. Today, our students also worked on the State wide project called Maine Needs. Congratulations to all our NHS members and their advisors on your great work throughout the year!!
Order So. Aroostook High School Girls Basketball State Championship Apparel here:
The GOLD ball made a visit to the elementary this morning! Congratulations to our Lady Warriors!
So. Aroostook Middle School students spent the morning skating at the Millar Arena in Houlton. Thank you to the Middle School teachers and staff for scheduling this fun activity for our students!
So. Aroostook Community School School Counselors Jessica Greene & Sarah Williams and High SchoolTeacher/Curriculum Coordinator Shannon Mathers attended a MELMAC workshop today. They are pictured here with MELMAC Executive Director Wendy Ault and MELMAC Coach Lynwood McHatten.
So. Aroostook Community School received a grant with MELMAC to help support three strategies for student success: 1. Boosting Readiness for College and Career that supports school partners (including Maine's Career and Technical Education schools) in their efforts to raise students' aspirations, explore post-secondary options, and prepare for career and/or post-secondary education after high school; 2. Promoting Post-Secondary Success to improve students' ability to persist and complete post-secondary credentials of value that prepare them for satisfying and financially viable careers; and, 3. Aligning Education and Employment Systems among secondary schools, post-secondary education providers, and businesses in order to increase the probability of students' post-secondary success.
So.Aroostook High School representing at the Annual Aroostook League Senior All-Star Game tonight in Caribou!
MLTI Virtual Conference today for 6th Grade!
So. Aroostook Middle School teachers have built a time in the day for students to be "tech free" and also to develop interpersonal skills in a fun and structured learning environment. Activities include "Book Club", Board Games, "Coffee Talk with Mrs. Greene", Physical Activity, Arts and Crafts, and more. This month, the student requested a Lego activity group.
Thank you to the Middle School teachers and staff for creating a learning opportunity for our students to practice their interpersonal skills and also an opportunity for creativity.
6th Grade is participating in the Virtual MLTI Conference today!!!
The Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) is a program within the Maine Department of Education’s Office of Innovation. The program is implemented and managed by the Learning through Technology Team. MLTI partners with Maine schools to provide students and educators access to technology and learning to help them prepare for a global economy.
There will be a reception for the So. Aroostook High School Girls basketball team on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 5:30pm at the So. Aroostook Community School Cafeteria. This is an opportunity for people from the community to congratulate the team and coaches on their outstanding season and their recent State Championship. There will be lasagna, salad, & sweets, served at the reception. There is no charge, but the team will be accepting donations to help them purchase championship apparel.
It’s a jungle in Mrs. York’s fifth grade classroom! Students read about the rainforest, researched a rainforest animal, and then wrote about their animal. To culminate the learning they learned how to papier-mâché. Here they are with their rainforest animals.
Ski4Life through the So. Aroostook Community School After School Program is done for this school year. There will be no trip this week. Thank you to everyone who participated, coordinated, and/or chaperoned for the the Ski4Life trips this year!!
Upcoming Events in the Elementary
Aroostook League Senior All-Star Game Information scheduled for Thursday March 7th at Caribou High School. So. Aroostook High School will have four seniors participating in the games; Dylan Burpee, Emmalee Landry, Cami Shields, & Madison Shields.
On March 3rd, SAMHA Jr Blackhawks defeated the Casco Bay Sabers 5-2 in
Auburn to become the 14U Tier4 Maine State Champions! So. Aroostook High School student Connor Lilley starts as the team goalie. Congratulations to the team and coaches!
The Blackhawks amassed a 22-6 record on the season. They registered 12 shutouts and scored 121 goals on the season while only giving up 50 goals. The team led the Northern Division in overall points during the regular season.
So. Aroostook High School Winter Carnival Champs 2024 goes to the Seniors, the Class of 2024. Congratulations!! It was great day for all of the students; fun, games, dancing, cheering, and great sportsmanship!
Thank you to the So. Aroostook High School Student Council, the teachers, and the staff for organizing and running a great day for our students!!!
Class of 2025!
Class of 2026!!